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URGENT Message

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  • 06/12/21

    Sign Language by Bernie

    Sign Language by Bernie Since gaining my level 1 qualification in BSL (British Sign Language), I’ve been eager to apply what I have learnt both inside and outside of school.  For the past 10 weeks, I have been attending a BSL choir every Thursday.  I had the pleasure, over the wee...
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  • 26/11/21

    Carers First Coffee Morning

    All Willoughby parents/carers with children over the age of 16 are classed as carers due to your child’s additional needs.  On Wednesday 2nd February 10am – 11.30am, parents/carers are invited to a Carers First coffee morning.  Guest speaker Sheena Goodey will provide guidance...
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  • 23/11/21

    Foxglove Class Update

    As part of maths week, Foxglove's trip to Bourne Woods became a number hunt. Pupils ran to find the numbers as they were shouted out.  It was great fun and we all did lots of counting.
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  • 12/11/21

    Poppy Class - Remembrance Day

    On Thursday Poppy class enjoyed a day of Remembrance.  We learned about our class flower and the meaning of Remembrance Day.  We made collage poppies, in maths we made poppy patterns and threading in funky fingers to create our own poppy play-dough.  The children joined in with the 2...
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  • 05/11/21

    Parent Sensory Provision Coffee Morning

    Would you like help and advice on how to support your child’s sensory needs at home?  If you do, please come along to the Parent Sensory Provision coffee morning led by Jo Judge – Willoughby’s Sensory OT.  This is being held on Wednesday 1st December at 10am – 11am...
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  • 22/10/21

    Halloween Party

    Buttercup pupils had a fantastic Halloween party day on Thursday. Pupils and staff dressed up in scary costumes and had a spooky disco.  We played pumpkin bowling and enjoyed special party food for snack time. 
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  • 15/10/21

    World Mental Health Day

    World Mental Health Day took place on Sunday 10th October, Willoughby Academy celebrated this important event today.  This year, the ‘Young Minds’ theme is ‘Hello Yellow’ where everyone is encouraged to wear yellow to make the world as bright as possible to show all youn...
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  • 15/10/21

    Geologist Visit

    Pupils in Protea and Tulip class were visited by Geologist Richard Butcher.  Richard discussed what his job entails, along with equipment and skills needed.  He shared some exciting rock and fossil finds including a fossil over 250 million years old!
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  • 01/10/21

    Buttercup Class

    We are really enjoying our art lessons in Buttercup.  Pupils have spent lots of time concentrating on their art and completed some great quality work.  We have painted on clingfilm, used chalk, natural paintbrushes and enjoyed splatting paint loaded cotton wool pads!
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  • 27/09/21

    Introducing Phil Cavanagh - Tulip Teacher

    Phil Cavanagh joined Willoughby Academy at the start of September and is the Teacher for Tulip class. Phil is enjoying getting to know his class pupils and other staff members. During his spare time Phil enjoys playing with Dexter his rescue dog, riding bikes, painting, drawing, playing the guitar...
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  • 17/09/21

    School Photographs - Wednesday 6th October

    On Wednesday 6th October Tempest Photography will be in school to take individual pupil photographs.
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  • 10/09/21

    Welcome Back

    A very warm welcome back to all members of the Willoughby community.  We hope everyone had a restful and relaxing summer holiday.  We start the new academic year with a total of 129 pupils across 14 classes and over 80 members of staff. An especially warm welcome to the 19 new Willoughby p...
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